Thursday, January 7, 2010

pLeAsE sHuT uP!! perlu keadaan yg tenang...

this is d sign of shut up~~~
after a long day today,,with all those tiring day,,,6 hours in a lab,,,with the smell of the chemical,,,the so loud speaking tutor,,and no time to sit,,,
i tell's really tiring.......
after lab n b4 lab,,also got class,,,after lab,,of course my mind not so fresh anymore and hoping for a refreshment in the next class,,,it's only d aircond that can chill me,,,but my lecturer,,totally make me feel like sleeping in that class today.all of sudden the 50min class turn into story telling session,,,
and i juz think that he really a kipas-susa-mati of Sherlock holmes,,,when he tell us all d story of how he solve d crime of students cheating in d xm,,,,
okayla,,,if he wanna share a story to make d class not dying or bored,,but i dun understand,,y on earth he not teaching us anythng,,juz 2 slide n then.....bla bla bla,,,,
if only his xm question going to be easy,,i dun mind,,but i'm sure his subject is as tough as d orgnc subjct...
end with that,,,
after maghrib,,,i just wanna get some good rest,,,,n then,,OMG,,,,why is'nt so noisy.................with non-stop anoucmnt,,,and those noise from d outside,,,,
juz someone,,,pliz make it stop,,,,i really can't stand it anymore,,,,

all i really want is a good,,quiet,,and deep sleep.....

p/s:really2 feel sorry for one of my tutor,,,ak terbasahkn labcoat dia,,bcoz the pipe from d condenser tercabut,,,abes meja banjir,,huhu
p/s: sape2 tlng cabut wire speaker kt aras ni plizz...


Anonymous said...

owh, sian kau.
sabar eh.
make sure makan ikut time.

nabila said...

heee,,makan mmg sure ak mkn,,tp ikt time,,,susa la,,,hehe